Thursday, July 10, 2008

SuperManeesh's Back

It has been a while since I blogged...I have been doing a bit of 'micro-blogging' on facebook and twitter lately and that left no time for my blog. Micro-blogging has its benefits for sending updates but a pithy, perhaps witty sentence is no match for a well written blog entry. So I am back!

On the subject of backs, I have had a torrid time with my lower back. X-Rays had revealed that I had a slight curvature of my spine, medically referred to as scoliosis. My un-ergonomic, working-at-home situation only worsened the condition. So when I decided to run a 5K race for CRY, without any practice, I was afflicted mid-way by a mind numbing my back. For the rest of the race, I supported my back with my hands and reached the finish line in about 33 minutes. Not bad...for someone who did it without any practice, with a bad back and a funny bib number (See pic)!

It was time for me to focus my energies and nurse myself, so I decided to turn to the ancient wisdom of Yoga. I have now been doing yoga aasanas and attending revitalizing vinyasa sessions to get myself back to shape. I got BKS Iyengars 'Light on Yoga' to understand the science behind the poses. I have recently started doing head stands and Bakaasanas, neither of which I thought I could ever do!

I found the awesome Yogamazing podcast to improve my home practice.

This session has been particularly useful to me, so do check it out...only when you have safely learned how to do the aasanas.

YOGAmazing: Yoga Back Basics from Chaz Rough on Vimeo.

Oh...did I say I was back again!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Taking Stock of Stock Photos

What's common to a money-transfer service company and a hotel chain? Western Union and Marriott to be more specific.

Ok...besides the fact that they are large, publicly-traded, international corporations...they use the same stock photo service to get images for their web sites!

Western Union


For the little web-site I launched a while back, I bought royalty-free images for a good chunk of change. Wonder...what belt-tightening measures these corporations have incorporated that made them skimp on their images.

Next...they will be picking up free images from flickr.